Evidence for Education Network:Using actionable guidance to support evidence-informed teaching in Spain
la Caixa” Foundation
  • Contextualising and translating guidance to underpin teacher professional development in Spain – EduCaixa

la Caixa” Foundation have contextualised a series of six guidance reports. These guidance reports are based on a review of the best available international evidence on a particular aspect of teaching and learning but adapted for Spanish teachers and leaders. This project intended to better support teachers implement evidence-based practice in the classroom by presenting actionable recommendations, tools and resources based on research evidence.

la Caixa” Foundation first reviewed the Education Endowment Foundation’s guidance reports for English teachers and selected the themes and approaches most relevant to the current Spanish education context: Improving behaviour in schools; Collaborative learning in the classroom; Metacognition and self-regulated learning; Teaching maths in primary education; Working with parents and families; Feedback in the classroom; and Improving social-emotional learning.

They then worked with experienced local practitioners to adapt the reports for Spanish teachers. This included developing local case studies to exemplify how recommendations might be implemented across a range of Spanish school settings as well as altering tools and resources so they were context specific. Reports were translated into Spanish and Catalan to ensure accessibility across a wide range of regions in Spain. 

To mobilise these resources la Caixa” Foundation developed a number of partnerships with institutions and school networks across Spain including Fundació Escola Cristiana de Catalunya, Fundación Promaestro as well as a number of teacher education providers. As part of these partnerships la Caixa” Foundation developed a programme of webinars as well as in person workshops for educators across the country facilitated by former practitioners.

These reports have also been embedded in other programmes of the foundation, including their school leadership development programme, Leadership for Learning’ and a school peer review programme in collaboration with University College London (UCL).

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About the project

To find out more about how la Caixa” Foundation contextualised and translated their guías’ for Spanish teachers please get in touch with Alba Coll. To find out more about teachers’ professional learning programmes contact Núria Vives.

About la Caixa” Foundation

la Caixa” Foundation, based in Spain, is one of the largest foundations in the world and pursues the implementation of social, charitable, welfare, research, educational and cultural initiatives. EduCaixa, the education programme within the foundation, offers educational programmes, activities, and digital learning resources with three clear goals: promoting the students’ development of 21st century skills, fostering the professional development of teachers, and generating and mobilising research evidence for schools.

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