Evidence for Education Network:Supporting maths learning in Chile through adaptive feedback software
SUMMA brochure 2
  • Conecta Ideas: Efficacy Trial (Chile) – SUMMA

Conecta Ideas (CI) is an adaptive maths learning software based on feedback practices developed by Universidad de Chile, the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) and AutoMind. Using gamification, the digital platform aims to improve maths attainment outcomes of primary school children from disadvantaged areas in Chile. CI is delivered to 4th Grade pupils in public schools alongside their regular maths instruction with a focus on improving numerical reasoning.

Conecta Ideas has been evaluated on a Randomised Controlled Trial conducted by the Abdul Latif Jameel Poverty Action Lab for Latin America and the Caribbean (J‑PALLAC) during the 2022/2023 academic year. The study looked at attainment outcomes comparing 3 treatment arms which used different incentives to participating pupils. Variation on the incentive scheme was introduced to check differential impact on motivation and attitudes towards learning maths. The primary outcome was a standardised primary maths assessment conducted at the national level (SIMCE). Schools with high numbers of pupils with low socio-economic status were targeted during recruitment and a total of 8,100 pupils in 141 schools received the intervention.

Results from this trial will be published later in 2023.

This study is commissioned and managed by SUMMA as part of the Fondo Impacto EDU-LAC and has been funded by the Education Endowment Foundation, in partnership with the BHP Foundation, as part of the​“Building a global evidence ecosystem for teaching” project.

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About the project

To find out more about the Fondo Impacto EDU-LAC and the Conecta Ideas efficacy trial please contact María José Sepúlveda


SUMMA are the first research and innovation laboratory for education for Latin America and the Caribbean. They work to promote social justice by promoting the right to education, with special attention lent to the most disadvantaged and historically excluded groups in society. They improve decision-making in education through the generation, synthesis, adaptation, diffusion and transfer of innovation, knowledge, and quality evidence.

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