Evidence for Education Network:Developing online training to support literacy teaching in Colombia
  • Kit Literacy+: Pilot Study (Colombia) – SUMMA

Kit Literacy+ is a targeted intervention that draws from Teaching at the Right Level (TaRL) to improve foundational skills and reduce learning gaps of primary school pupils in disadvantages areas of Colombia. Through a digital platform for teacher training, the programme focuses on improving teacher motivation and abilities to use TaRL principles in their classroom practice. Kit Literacy+ is delivered to 3rd to 5th Grade pupils with a focus on recovery of learning losses generated by Covid-19 which makes it a potential cost-effective catch-up’ methodology.

Kit Literacy+ has been evaluated through a mixed-methods pilot evaluation in 12 rural schools in the Medellin area. The evaluation looked at acceptability of the programme, feasibility of implementation and scalability of the training model. Particularly, it investigated barriers and facilitators of a mentoring model compared to training without the accompaniment of teachers delivering the intervention. 

Results from this pilot will be available later in 2023.

This study is commissioned and managed by SUMMA as part of the Fondo Impacto EDU-LAC and has been funded by the Education Endowment Foundation, in partnership with the BHP Foundation, as part of the​“Building a global evidence ecosystem for teaching” project.

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About the project

To find out more about the the Fondo Impacto EDU-LAC and the Kit Literacy+ pilot study please contact María José Sepúlveda


SUMMA are the first Research and Innovation Laboratory for education for Latin America and the Caribbean. They work to promote social justice by promoting the right to education, with special attention lent to the most disadvantaged and historically excluded groups in society. They improve decision-making in education through the generation, synthesis, adaptation, diffusion and transfer of innovation, knowledge, and quality evidence.

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